Monday, January 06, 2003

Well, that seems to have settled that. Following my first adventure into the acutal worlds of setting up a blog (the previous one was set up for me, thank you Adrian), as my last few posts met with some error message about my template (say what?) here we are again, back on merry old web pages.

And everything shockingly is back to normal. It is almost as though I never left last year. School starts today. Shiny shoes, new Hello Kitty backpack, the smell of freshly sharpened pencils. Well, not really. The shoes are muddy from sloshing through the snow. (Love snow! I love the snow!), it is the same old briefcase as before, and of course it isn't sharpened pencils, it is laptop this time around. And less classes. Tonight? International Intellectual Property Licensing. The fact that this excites me should strike fear into the hearts of mankind. But I do find it interesting. I really do!

Is it enough really to save the world? Probably not. I can really only hope. My scariest moment of the week was seeing the News of the World in the checkout stand at the market. The headlines screamed in huge lettering how Hitler had made all these predictions, including the rise of JLo. Now, this concerns me on many levels. First of all, it bothers me a bit that while people raise a blue streak (and often rightly so) when Hitler is used to advocate and represent anything, this doesn't seem to have raised any hackles that I have heard of in the news. Maybe because it is so obviously stupid that people are not concerned, but isn't this where this sort of thing starts? Or is this where this sort of thing goes to die? I can't decide. And then of course, there is my recent irkedness with JLo. I have one word for that woman, and that word is "overexposure." Although irkedness or not, I still think to link the poor dear to Hitler is at least enough to have *her* up in arms, but again, maybe on this particular occasion she just wants to go quietly.

It is the epiphany, January 6th, which means that officially all the Christmas decorations are supposed to come down. While I didn't particularly actively celebrate the holidays, choosing instead to keep a quiet profile, I do find it sad when the decorations come down, just becuase everything becomes so much more drab without all the green and red about. Particuarly here where I'm working at the moment. Lots of grey marble and cement. Less festive, more imposing. The solemnity of the winter months is truly upon us!

Off to prepare more for school!

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