Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Welcome to Coding, Would You Like an Espresso to go with your Java?

I now feel as though I understand all those stereotypes and cartoons about coders just going into some sort of trance and coding all night. Today marks my first official foray into the world of coding, and though I'm quite certain that I only just got my feet wet, it is suprisingly addictive. This new addiction results in all the new fangled techno bells and whistles that you see here on the right, my most favorite certainly being the Weather Pixie, which lets me know what I need to be wearing outside, and most impressively appears to have my cat wandering in and out of the frame. It isn't consistently there, as that is the way cats are. I eagerly await to see whether it stays outside in the rain, but maybe that is just a slight indication of how sad my life has become. And then of course there is the ever self indulgent "comments" functionality, which seems to me to be the epitome of what this whole blogging thing is all about. If you want the world to read about your life, you might as well let them tell you what they think about it.

Great thanks for all the coding tips, tricks, and handholding go to my friend Elenarda, with whom I have been instant messaging all morning, who really should have been doing her BBC work, and who is far too easily distracted for her own good.

So for all that effort putting something up to look at, what is there in my life worth writing about? Not much today, I suppose. Went for dinner last night with a friend. Had dinner the night before that with a different friend. Had breakfast cooked for me the morning before that by a different friend. Having dinner with yet another friend tonight. Drinks on Friday to be had with *two* friends. Saturday, dinner with even yet another friend. Names withheld to protect the guilty. Waistline expanding at astonishing rate. Or, given all this eating out, maybe not so astonishing. Tonight=salad.

More transitioning going on. This temp job will end Friday. Internship starts next week. Teeth getting whitened next week as well (we hope - I'm part of a study.). Other new class for school starts tomorrow. Spare cat goes home on Saturday. All this transition, and yet the most exciting bit of my life today is the fact that I got hot in the office, and when I took off my jumper, I realized that my t-shirt was on inside out. Oh, the cheap daring thrill of stripping it off in my cubicle, flipping it around and putting it back on. Why did I even bother to travel last year when I could live life on the edge just like that? The mind boggles.

Actually, the mind does boggle. One of my new year's resolutions: mend what needs mending with ex-boyfriend. Of course, what I need (read: want) mended may not be what he needs mended. Of course, the start is in the approach. I feel better now than I have for longer than I can even describe. Back to the old (read: year at least) Anne, which would be a new-ish experience for him. As in, this would be the gal that he met, but really not the gal he wound up dating. So I think he'd be interested, but approaching makes me nervous. No, nervous is the wrong word. I want to do it. In constrast to the last few months, it feels really *right* to do it. So now it is merely a technical question of how. As he once said to me when I commented that while he'd told his friends he was going to date me a month before he'd even bothered to e-mail me "well, you have the power of veto." That shoe's on the other foot, even though I think if he'd be delightfully suprised at what he'd find at the moment.
Off to contemplate.

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