Tuesday, January 28, 2003

A Liberal Reaches for Her Whip
Oh, the agony of being part of what's left of the left. I feel assailed on all sides. For starters there is the fact that none other than Mitt Romney is starting to win me over. I of course remain convinced that his statement to the Commonwealth tomorrow night will amount to $500 million dollars worth of cuts in services that vitally need shoring up, not cutting. But in the interim, the man has a) denied his salary since he's a multimillionaire, b) announced that he's getting rid of as many SUVs in the Commonwealth fleet as he can, and encourage the use of Zipcar where possible, and now c) gotten rid of 14 or is it 43 press lackeys in the State House. In addition, he seems to have appointed the former head of the Conservation Law Foundation to head up the environmental department in the Commonwealth. I can seriously get behind these sorts of measures. I'm backing measures from Mitt Romney? Can I truly be part of the left? I hope so. I do suspect this is a diversionary tactic before he cuts the guts out of education and social services, the sorts of social services that experience even greater need during hard financial times like these. No doubt by tomorrow night I shall be fully in opposition to all sorts of things.

Of course, I probably won't even have to wait that long. The whole reason that Mitt's address to the Commonwealth is tomorrow night is because tonight is the State of the Nation address by his anointed Shrubness. It won't suprise anyone if I predict here that he's going to announce war, war and more war. My views on this are already known, and I suppose they just sum up into "why?"

I spent the most delightful evening last night wandering around Harvard Bookstore and then having dinner with a friend. It is good to be able to do these things again. This is despite the fact that again the temperature has plummeted. Despite a brief heatwave on Sunday when it almost got up to freezing, it dropped four degrees yesterday between when I got up for my internship and left the flat. And then it just kept on plummeting. But the time we walked to the car last night, we were both very "it is much too cold to be outside!" Amazing, but it does make me feel alive to a certain extent. Even if I can't go biking.

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