Monday, March 10, 2003

In Which Our Heroine Stays Busy
Too much, too much. Still grinding away under the various guns, but it is starting to pay off. Elements of cleaning are starting to take hold (must scrub tub). I've installed shelves, and may install a few more. Although I can't figure out yet how installing the shelves make the room seem bigger, but they do. Works in progress are progressing. This is all good. I have *even* managed to get some laundry done as well, thank heavens. The tradeoff for this, unfortunately, has meant staying inside much of the weekend. Drat - we had good weather this weekend. Missed it.
I missed a couple things actually. One of which was my lunch meeting. I have been a little forgetful of late, but this was teh most spectacular. I woke up in the morning and re-arranged one meeting so I had more time for my lunch meeting. Then I went into school, and got grinding away (or tried to grind away. Two people, one of whom I knew, were chatting away in the computer lab. Loudly. After half an hour I got up and went to lunch. When I came back, they were still at it. Would NOT stop. Grrrrrr. Very distracting.) I completely forgot about my lunch meeting. When it was time for lunch, I went, grabbed a burger, ate it downstairs and realized 45 minutes later that I had completly forgotten about my lunch appointment. Cellphones were set a-ringing but to no avail. Certainly my most spectacular forgetfulness to date.

Last night was babysitting. Such fun! The problem is that I'm quite positive I was not as bright as Catherine when I was three, and in fact am not as certain that I am that bright even at 32. She certainly explained rowing to me in new and unique terms. But the fact of the matter is that Catherine and her sister are just marvellous children. Dinner, bath, movie, bed, not a problem, no tears, no hassle, and when they were asleep I just thought "really, is that it?" Somehow it felt just too easy. Well behaved children are such a joy.
So interesting, busy, and then came Sunday night. Sunday night is one of my favorite times of the week - a relaxed transition into the new week. But not tonight. More work, installing of the shelves, getting dinner together, and then just as I was settling in, the phone calls started. Why is no one else happy this evening? And further, why is it that they call me for advice, and when I give it, they start shouting at me? I got the message "please call me before 8 - I need some legal advice." In short, the transmission is gone and the warranty company doesn't want to pay for it, and instead are having it taken apart to be inspected. I was asked if I could write a letter saying I was an attorney, I had been informed of the situation, and that the person in question was not the sort of driver to burn out a transmission so quickly. First off, this wouldn't do anything, as the mere might of being a lawyer is useless, as anyone with a law degree will be the first to tell you. Secondly, I haven't seen this person drive in a couple of years, so I have no recent basis on which to judge whether or not they could burn out a trannie, particularly since I don't know what it takes to do that. And the last time I did drive with them, they were racing cars at intersections, so I really couldn't in good conscience testify that they were a good driver. But I didn't go into all this, as there was no point. I just said that such a letter wouldn't help. I did, however, give some advice which should be much more practical towards getting the problem resolved. And for that I just got shouted at. Honestly, I nearly hung up. I wish I had. Could have saved me some yelling at.

The next phone call to come in wasn't any better. A friend is changing jobs. The stress is making him difficult to deal with. But friends are friends, and he therefore deserves my love and support. But the stress on his end just constantly makes me want to go "why are you shouting at me?" In fact, I have asked that question a couple times. There is no good answer. Now that the job change is happening (out of the old, new is tomorrow) I am hoping things will calm down a bit. It is undermining my medication!
Anne with Shelves

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