Monday, March 17, 2003

In Which Our Heroine Accumulates Some Knowledge
Today is the day of the odd knowledge accumulation. So far today, I have learned: (Click on the colored text to link to an explanation of the statement.)
1) That I can not be a blood donor in the USA since I lived in the UK for more than three months since the 1980. Apparently, my week in the Falklands qualifies in this total as well!
2) According to none other than the New York Times, the BBC and the Guardian, a talking fish has spoken a portend of the end of the world, or possibly a warning against the war in Iraq. The theological implications of the fish being slaughtered immediately after speaking does not appear to have yet been analyzed.
3) I more than doubled my score on Celebdaq when I correctly predicted last week that Prince Charles would get loads of press this week. This time last week, 18,000 pounds. This week? 52,000. Dividends. Love them.
4) The people from my boat club are officially crazy with the cold.
5) The March Madness lineups are in! And apparently BC not making the dance is newsworthy.
6) And of course, we're headed to war on the 24 hour countdown.
Love and prayers for peace,

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