Saturday, February 14, 2004

In which our Heroine keeps plugging away
As if death and flying trips halfway around the world weren't enough, they all caught up with me and I caught "viral syndrome" which seems to be what the Emergency Room is non-committally calling the flu these days. Whatever it was, it was truly horrid, and even more problematic was the fact that I needed to get to hospital and everyone was busy and couldn't take me. And my roommate was in Canada, so I was stuck on my own until I was told (by a friend who wanted to help, but was holed up with the same flu) that taxicabs take credit cards. I've never been that ill in the back of a cab even back in those college days when I on a tear I'd have to come home from night clubs. But Alex met me at the ER while I was sort of slumped over a registration desk and was a good little doobie while I mostly just laid there and moaned and slept. The nice doctors and nurses pumped me full of fluids and drugs and sent me home. Alex was a little skeptical, and I was too delerious to notice, but I got home, slept and when I finally woke the next morning I was far far far better. I was down to being ill the way normal people are ill, and without it interfering with my other medications.

It laid me out for a week, and then training had to commence as it was far too late. I have to say, it is pretty weak stuff at the moment. But fundraising is heartwarming and going well enough. There is something to be said for the fact that none of these people knew Jock, but they're all willing to contribute. Somehow this makes me feel better.

I did do the maths, though. I raised more money for charity last year than I earned. I wish I could say the same thing while having earned more. Somehow asked me how this made me feel, and after thinking about it for a second the asnwer came out: poor but socially worthy. There are worse ways to be.

It is Valentine's Eve. And theres all kinds of people coming to me for advice on romance. Not that I know what to say. One has her husband having affairs, another is about to leave her live in boyfriend, another can't sort out a chap and has declared "this isn't as fun as it was." Makes me almost glad to be single.


Yours in remembrance of Valentine's past,

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